MAIL -> mixed connect ( string address [, integer port [, string username [, string password [, string ssl [, integer timeout [, string name [, resource context [, string auth_type ]]]]]]]] )
Return RESOURCE connection if has been successfully connected, boolean FALSE if not. Default values are: integer port: 25 integer timeout: 30 string name: localhost string ssl possible values are: tls, ssl, sslv2 or sslv3 Notice: string address can have hostname or IPv4 value. The standard port values are: 25 - default, and 465 - SSL (secure). string name is used in EHLO/HELO SMTP conversation. Example (verification):

$m = new MAIL;

// connect to 'smtp.hostname.tld' port '25' with authentication
$c = $m->Connect('smtp.hostname.tld', 25, 'username', 'password') or die(print_r($m->Result));

// send mail relay via '$c' resource connection
Example (deprecated):

$m = new MAIL;

// define connection parameters value
$m->Host = 'smtp.hostname.tld'; // address
$m->Port = 465; // port
$m->User = 'username'; // username
$m->Pass = 'password'; // password
$m->Vssl = 'tls'; // SSL
$m->Tout = 10; // timeout in seconds
$m->Name = 'localhost'; // local hostname (used in EHLO/HELO SMTP conversation)
$m->Auth = 'cram-md5'; // authentication type

// connect using this parameters
$c = $m->Connect() or die(print_r($m->Result));

See Also: MAIL->Disconnect(), MAIL->Context(), MAIL->Send() [ Comments ] Last update: Monday, June 11, 2007